Resources for parents to support their children

The Maze Phase Podcast

The Maze Phase podcast is for primary health professionals working with teens who are navigating life and the healthcare system, but parents could also find it helpful. In each episode, GP and academic, Dr Bianca Forrester has a chat with experts in the field of adolescent health and social care. These conversations include tips from clinical practice and emerging research, as well as discussions of best practice approaches to common and complex problems presenting to primary care.

Episode 1: Youth Friendly Heath Care: How can the GP Help?

Interview with Dr Bianca Forrester & Prof Lena Sanci about barriers facing teens in accessing services, and how we can help

Episode 2: Anxiety in Teens

In this episode, GP Bianca Forrester speaks with Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist A/Professor Sandra Radovini about best practice approaches to understanding anxiety in school aged teens.

Episode 3: Depression in Teens

GP, Dr Bianca Forrester, continues the conversation with Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist A/Prof Sandra Radovini about mental health problems in teens.

Episode 4: The age of Adolescence

Professor Susan Sawyer, Paediatrician and expert in Adolescent Health, describes contemporary understandings about the beginnings and endpoints of “Adolescence”.

Episode 5: Disruptive behaviour in teens

In this episode, GP Bianca Forrester and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist A/Prof Sandra Radovini have a conversation about disruptive behaviour in school aged teens.

Episode 6: Understanding self-harm and suicidal behaviours

In this episode, GP Bianca Forrester and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist A/Prof Sandra Radovini tackle the tricky topic of self-harming and suicidal behaviours.

Episode 7: Eating Disorders in Teens

In this episode, Bianca speaks with paediatrician Dr Michele Yeo and GP expert Dr Jenny Conway about recognising, assessing, and managing eating disorders in primary care.

Episode 8: Period Pain in Teens

In this episode, Bianca speaks with gynaecologist Prof Sonia Grover about recognising, assessing, and managing menstrual pain in primary care.

Sourced from The Maze Phase Podcast

Reliable & evidence-based info/resources to support parents in raising children. Reviewed by experts. Backed by science. Regularly updated. Plain language articles.

Find out more here:

The TeenSTRONG course

Help your teenager learn practical strategies for managing worry and low mood with a self-paced online course for teens and their parents. Six lessons with workbooks, action plans, extra resources, alerts and reminders, and progress tracking. Self-paced (3 months). Needs to be done after consult with a clinician.

Lesson 1: Learning about worry and sadness
Lesson 2: Tackling unhelpful thoughts
Lesson 3: Boosting mood and facing fears
Lesson 4: Assertiveness and coping with stressful situations
Lesson 5: Solving problems and dealing with worries
Lesson 6: My toolbox of skills and continui9ing to improve

Relationships and family issues

Family Relationship Advice Line | Call 1800 050 321
Provides information on family relationship issues and advice on parenting arrangements after separation. It is for anyone -including stepparents, young people and friends – affected by family relationship or separation issues. Referrals to local services are also offered. Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 10-4

Nurse on Call | 1300 60 60 24

Wire | 1300 134 130
A free support, referral and information service for all Victorian women no matter what the issue. Phone support & walk-in centre.

Legal matters

Youth law website
Do you have a question about work? For free and confidential legal advice you can ask a question at this site or contact them via telephone

Depression / anxiety

The Butterfly Foundation | 1800 33 4673
The national charity for all Australians impacted by eating disorders and body image issues, and for the families, friends and communities who support them

Adolescent Medicine and Eating Disorders | 9345 6180
Appointments Royal Children’s Hospital                      

Anxiety: Youthfocus
A website with links to ReachOut Breathe app; ReachOut worry time app; Black Dog Institute snapshot (18+) & Self-help for Anxiety Management app and other apps (healthy relationships, breakup etc)

eHeadspace | 1800 650 890
A free and confidential telephone and online service for young people aged 12-25. Qualified youth mental health professionals provide support to young people worried about their mental health or experiencing issues such as depression, bullying and isolation. Support is also available to concerned parents or carers. 9am – 1pm 7 days / week.

Just shapes and sounds
Shapes and Sounds is the leading voice for Asian Australian mental health and wellbeing. This website has an extensive list of psychologists, counsellor sand mental health practitioners.

Sex and sexuality

Let them know
Program which sends free SMS (can be anonymous) or email to partners recommending they get tested and treated.

This free app includes information on what sex is, your legal rights, consent, contraception, protection against STIs, and pregnancy, plus a range of answers you didn’t even know you had questions about.
IRL is a sexual health app that is free to download, gender and sexuality neutral, frank, honest, taboo-free and medically accurate. It is underwritten by sexual health doctors, nurses and teachers.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre | 9341 6214
580 Swanston St Carlton
Free, confidential, anonymous, sexual health service, fact sheets and national STI management guidelines.                      

Sexual Health Victoria | 1800 013 952
Sexual Health information on a wide array of topics and healthcare                                                  

To access this resource press control and click here

Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service | 9345 6175
The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Gender Service aims to improve the physical and mental health outcomes of children and adolescents who are trans or gender diverse. Being trans or gender diverse is seen as part of the natural spectrum of human diversity.                   

Transcend Aus
(trans young people, parents and carers)

Contraception for teenagers: a parents guide

Alcohol and drugs

The Youth Support and Advocacy Service (alcohol and drugs) | 0439 415 8881

The Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre | 1800 250 015

Sexual assault and domestic violence

1800 RESPECT (Sexual, family & domestic violence) | 1800 737 732

Safe Steps (women and children victims) | 1800 015 188

Safer Families
Online healthy relationships tools

Child Abuse Protection Service (CAPS) | 1800 688 009
Telephone support workers offer information, referral and ongoing support to those affected by child abuse, concerned about the welfare of a child, or needing family or parenting support.

The Orange Door
Free service for children, young people and adults experiencing or have experienced family violence

Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre Victoria
Provides information and referral to local services and support groups (but not counselling)

Online Safety


Australian Institute of Family Studies Online safety

Better Health Channel: Internet addiction