Your rights and confidentiality at the doctor

Many young people are worried about their parents being informed about their medical services or treatment. Youth Law Australia’s website contains lots of information about your rights to confidentiality at the doctor’s office. They also provide free and confidential advice.

Key points:

  • If you are aged 15 or over, you can apply for your own Medicare card. No-one else will be able to see your Medicare claim history. However, if you have a My Health Record, your parents or guardian may be able to access information about your care until you are 18 (if it is recorded there).
  • You can find more information about applying for a Medicare card by visiting the Services Australia website.
  • You might be able to consent to your own medial treatment, even if you are under 18. Your doctor is the person who decides whether you can consent to medical treatment without your parent/guardian.
  • In some situations when a doctor is worried about the health and safety of you or other people, they may be required to tell someone about your appointment.


  • Speak to your doctor about your confidentiality and whether you are able to consent to your own healthcare if you are under 18
  • If you want your appointment to stay confidential, you can mention this when you book the appointment.